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FL Gov DeSantis signs Bill protecting domestic violence survivors and their pets!

Multiple authors

Here are a few of the many publications highlighting Flagler Humane Society's Amy Wade Carotenuto!!

Florida Bill Protecting Domestic Violence Survivors and Their Pets Signed into Law

The bill, signed into law by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, takes effect July 1

By Ally Mauch

July 01, 2020 03:07 PM

Domestic violence survivors and their pets now have added protections in Florida thanks to the passage of a new bill.

The law, SB 1082, allows judges to include pets in restraining orders against domestic abusers and allows pets to remain with owners who are survivors of abuse. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the bill into the law in June and the protections will take effect beginning July 1.

"With this new law, Florida joins more than 30 other states who have enacted meaningful public policies to safeguard both humans and pets from violence in the home," the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animal (ASPCA) said in a statement responding to the Florida bill’s passage.

According to research from the ASPCA, one in four domestic violence survivors have reported returning to an abusive partner out of concern for their pet.

Further, 71 percent of survivors reported that their partner had implicitly or explicitly threatened the animal as a way to maintain power and over 50 percent of pet-owning women entering domestic violence shelters reported that their abusers threatened, harmed, or killed a family pet.

“Under normal circumstances, adults, children, and pets living in an abusive home often face major obstacles to escape harm’s way. Unfortunately, the necessity of staying at home to prevent the spread of COVID-19 has made this situation substantially more dangerous for both people and pets,” Jennifer Hobgood, senior director of state legislation for the ASPCA's Southeast Region, said in the statement.

"As our nation responds to this pandemic, reports of increasing rates of domestic violence have surfaced in many areas, including Florida," she added. "This lifesaving law now makes it clear that courts may include family pets in temporary restraining orders, and we thank Governor DeSantis for signing this bill to help domestic violence survivors and their pets reach safety."

Amy Carotenuto, executive director of the Flagler County Humane Society in Florida told local news outlet News13 that the new legislation "can really make a difference."

"People won’t have to hide, people can come forward, include their pet in their restraining orders and hopefully get some help," Carotenuto said. "It’s really exciting to be a part of making that kind of difference not only in Flagler County but across Florida."

If you are experiencing domestic violence, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233, or go to All calls are toll-free and confidential. The hotline is available 24/7 in more than 170 languages.

Tampa Bay Times:


Florida Includes Pets in Domestic Violence Pro­tective Orders


FLAGLER COUNTY, Fla. – Gov. Ron DeSantis signed CS/BS 1082: Domestic

Violence Injunctions into law.

What You Need To Know

· DeSantis has signed CS/BS 1082 Domestic Violence Injunctions

· Bill includes animals in domestic violence injunctions

· Pets can now be protected under the orders

The law authorizes the court to take certain actions regarding the care, possession, or control of an animal in domestic violence injunctions.

Amy Carotenuto, executive director of the Flagler County Humane Society, knows all too well what can happen to pets in violent situations.

“The majority of people who end up in domestic violence shelters say that their pets have been harmed or even killed by the abuser and so a lot of times it will keep people from going to seek help because they want to make sure their pet is protected," Carotenuto said.

That is why she is thrilled DeSantis signed the bill, especially since she’s seen abuse cases on the rise since the pandemic began.

“As of July 1, it is clarified that pets can be included in protective orders and it couldn’t come at a better time,” Carotenuto said.

That means pets are protected just like humans.

“The scary part is it’s not even the ones that get brought in, it’s the ones that we never know about and that is why this kind of legislation can really make a difference because people won’t have to hide, people can come forward, include their pet in their restraining orders and hopefully get some help," Carotenuto said.

Carotenuto, who went with her team to Tallahassee in January to lobby for this bill, is happy to see their hard work paid off.

“It’s really exciting to be apart of making that kind of difference not only in Flagler County but across Florida,” Carotenuto said.


SATURDAY, JUN. 20, 2020

Thanks for protecting pets in domestic violence injunctions

Flagler Humane Society leader praises state for new state law.

by: Guest Writer

by: Amy Wade-Carotenuto, Director of Philanthropy and Activism, Flagler Humane Society

On June 18, Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law C.S./S.B. 1082 which is a law pertaining to domestic violence injunctions. This law ensures that family pets can be included in orders of protection from domestic violence. The law goes into effect July 1 and will help protect vulnerable people and their pets across Florida.

The staff and volunteers at Flagler Humane Society worked with the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to promote the importance of this legislation, and we would like to thank Gov. DeSantis, as well as Sen. Albritton, Rep. Killebrew, and Rep. David Silvers, for their sponsorship. Special thanks to our own local Rep. Paul Renner, who helped ensure the bill passed in his role as chair of the House Judiciary Committee.

Too often, those living in an abusive situation do not seek safety out of fear for what may happen to their pets. Research shows that nearly 90% of pet-owning women who enter domestic violence shelters report that their abusers threatened, harmed, or killed a family pet.

With an increase in financial hardships and the coronavirus quarantine, experts are concerned that we may also see a rise in domestic abuse. This law helps ensure that pet owners in crisis can more readily find safety for themselves, their children and their pets. Please join us in thanking our Legislature and governor for enacting this important legislation.

Abuse bill saves pets, too

During these times of uncertainty and heightened stress, it’s encouraging that Florida state leaders recently took an important step to help people and pets living in abusive situations. The team at Harbor House of Central Florida and Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando thanks Gov. Ron DeSantis for signing into law the state bill CS/SB 1082 Domestic Violence Injunctions, which provides that family pets are included in orders of protection from abusers.

Victims of domestic violence are often afraid to leave their abusers out of the fear that their companion animal will be taken from them or hurt in the process. This concern is not unfounded. Research shows that 88 percent of pet-owning people entering domestic violence shelters report that their abuser threatened, harmed, or killed a family pet.

Given the anticipated rise in financial hardship and domestic abuse due to COVID-19, this law will help survivors find safety for themselves, their children, and pets. Please join me in commending our state policymakers for protecting vulnerable people and their pets across Florida by passing CS/SB 1082.

Stephen Bardy Orlando

Gov. DeSantis signs bipartisan bill protecting domestic violence survivors and their pets

Posted By Matthew Moyer on Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 3:20 pm

Photo courtesy ASPCA/Facebook

Last week, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the bill C.S./S.B. 1082 into state law, and its good news for domestic violence survivors and their pets. This new law ensures that family pets are included in restraining orders filed against abusers, both protecting pets from harm and ensuring that these pets and their owners will be kept together in escaping an abusive and dangerous situation.

Research conducted by the ASPCA shows that the overwhelming majority of pet-owning women who seek refuge in domestic violence shelters report that their abusers threatened, hurt or killed a family pet. The bipartisan bill was championed by Sen. Ben Albritton (R-Bartow), and Reps. Sam Killebrew (R-Winter Haven). DeSantis has been praised by the ASPCA and the Flagler Humane Society for signing this legislation.

Jennifer Hobgood, senior director of state legislation for the ASPCA, laid out the importance of S.B. 1082 in a statement to Orlando Weekly:

“As our nation responds to this pandemic, reports of increasing rates of domestic violence have surfaced in many areas, including Florida. This lifesaving law now makes it clear that courts may include family pets in temporary restraining orders, and we thank Governor DeSantis for signing this bill to help domestic violence survivors and their pets reach safety.”

The law goes into effect July 1.


Readers knock DeSantis on felon voting, but praise for new pet-friendly law | Letters to the Editor

JUN 24, 2020 AT 9:29 AM

Kudos to DeSantis for pet-friendly new law

Recently, an article in the Sun Sentinel highlighted the increased danger for domestic violence during the coronavirus pandemic. Floridians subject to such abuse in the home can feel trapped even during more normal times and may refuse to leave an abusive situation out of fear for their pet’s safety. The coronavirus makes this situation far more dangerous for would-be survivors of domestic violence.

That’s why I am so proud that Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law Senate Bill 1082, Domestic Violence Injunctions, which ensures survivors can escape with their beloved pets. This legislation makes clear that courts may include pets in temporary restraining orders for survivors of domestic violence.

Thank you, Gov. DeSantis, for your leadership on this issue, and thanks to Senator Ben Albritton and Representatives Sam Killebrew and David Silvers, who championed this cause by sponsoring the bills ensuring that survivors of domestic violence and their pets can find hope and healing.

Debra Beye-Barwick, Fort Lauderdale

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